Contact us!

At 3CNC, we are here for you. Are you interested in our offer? Do you need additional information on our services? Fill out the form below, and we will prepare an informative offer and answer any question you might have in the shortest time possible.

V podjetju  3CNC verjamemo, da so dobri medsebojni odnosi v kolektivu pomembni pri poslovnem in osebnem uspehu.  Verjamemo tudi, da je to vidno tudi v odnosih z našimi kupci. Zato smo na naših telefonskih številkah dosegljivi. Če imate kakšno vprašanje, kritiko ali pa bi radi izvedeli kaj več o naših storitvah, nas pokličite. Vzeli si bomo čas in vam svetovali.


    Call us!

    Do you have any questions or comments, or would like to know more about our services? Call us! We will take the time to provide any and all advice. We are available every workday between 9 AM and 3 PM.


    Urban Birsa

    + 386 (0) 820 56 108


    Peter Klemen

    + 386 (5) 7516 033


    Darija Birsa

    + 386 (0) 820 56 109


    Klara Klemen

    + 386 (5) 7516 035